![]() The past few days before launching into 2015, the Lord began dropping into my spirit what lies ahead for us as this year unfolds. At the end of this writing you will find scriptures that go along with what the Lord released to me, as well as a phrase per day to ponder over the next several days. We know that the Hebrew year 5775 began late September and continues as we round the corner into our new Roman calendar year anticipating God's ongoing heart for His people. The following is what I sense the Lord will continue to release in 2015: In 2015 we will arise above to the place of the rest of the Lord and be able to think, process far more clearly and enter into literal obtaining, grasping, apprehending, laying hold of and seeing our promises be made manifest into reality with fruitfulness that we have been longing and waiting for. We enter 2015 with a knowing by faith saying, "It has begun in a new way," as well as we will say as the year progresses, "(A new season of reaping) It has begun in a new way." This year will usher in the unfolding of the new provision over a lengthy spans. Whereas, before many were in a type of survival mode, trying to navigate carefully and not be blown away by the strong winds of adversity that were blowing, obtaining and reaping will begin in a new way. There will be turbulence in the earth, yet God is causing His people to enter in to obtain in these months, lifting the yoke of discouragement and heaviness that has been upon His people who have been waiting for their promise to come to pass. Joy will begin to return. (Psalm 126) Also, many in the body of Christ who thought they were written off as not making a perceived, "A team," and who were discouraged, be encouraged by the following: The Lord has had you practicing alongside other players, those in the body of Christ who are and were leaders and in the forefront all along. Yet, in this hour as we round the corner into 2015, He is issuing to you as your Coach (analogy I see as vision) an invitation to play on His field, His harvest field. He is pointing to players who felt they missed making the team or those who have felt, "benched," to enter His field to play on His NOW appointed team in His field of harvest. It's time. You may be playing in the same place, but with new clusters or groupings of people. Watch for new assignment invitations and pleasant collaborations you did not expect. Some collaborations, however, will not be necessarily pleasant at the time, but by participating in them it will bring you to a higher level, catapulting you beyond a roadblock that you had previously struggled with and had asked God to help you to overcome. Know that He comes in answer to those prayers through these collaborations or networks. Be sensitive to His leading and discern those that you are to accept. Not all of them will be for you. Discern with anticipation, expectancy and joy. You have been prepared. He will fill you with His now Word. Everywhere you turn will require a now word, but do not worry, for the Holy Spirit will fill your mouth when each now word is called for (Mt. 10:19). Your dream was not aborted and is alive. Grieve no more! Arise in joy that you are chosen, you are included and He is calling upon you this year, pointing your way for you to arise. The favor of the Lord rests upon you. Also, though you have been strong in the past and have been noted by others and by fruitfulness of your life as walking in particular giftings or offices, you will need to pull up your bootstraps to strengthen for higher places of walking, operating, playing on the NOW playing field and new or increased places of authority that are coming to you. New positions will require increased muscle and strength than was required where you operated in old positions or levels prior. This is natural with increase and with doing new things. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might (Dt. 31:6; Ps. 31:24; Eph. 6:10). Revisit the ways you remained in strength in the past and up your game in those areas. Also, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as He guides you in acclimating. He may have you release or let go of some old ways of acclimating to new and increase and add new ways, but some will definitely overlap. You may well have to battle initially to acclimate to the new altitude of operating where God has called you to. Yes, this is a year of increase and increase in fruitfulness that you will being to see unfold. The year 2015 will be the beginning of obtaining, opening up to a stretch of time where laying hold of the blessings, God's call on your life, your promise, the promise outcomes and tangible and measurable fruitfulness will begin to unfold. Remember, as in higher altitudes in the natural can cause lightheadedness and being out of breath due to the thinness of the air, you will have to acclimate as you "make the climb" this year. You are more than capable (Phil. 4:13) and part of that acclimating successfully will be realizing that you have been being prepared all along. This isn't entirely new to you, but some of the activities you will be called upon, invited to engage in at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, will be new. You just will have to apply "steady as she goes," consistently acclimating to these higher places of faith and action/doing that the Lord God invites you into. You will receive many invitations this year, new invitations. Though your natural reaction will be to hesitate, saying, "I have never done that specific thing before," or, "Wait until I master it," step through those doors with joy and say, "Yes." There is reward beyond the door for you (Mat.19:26; Luke 1:34-38). Remain in joy and cast off fear. Fear loves to try to jump us, but get into the habit of shaking it off, almost an attitude of, "Oh, it's you again!" Do not show hospitality to fear. Too often when we have a gift of hospitality we mistakenly cast a general net out of hospitality to anyone and anything. That is incorrect teaching and it is cheesy, unrealistic Christianity in operation at the very least. But, you need to selectively exercise your gift of hospitality, turning away from you fear and negativity, self-doubt, worries, wrong networks, etc. (Read my blog, "How To Avoid the Costly Mistakes of Self-Sabotage") This is a year to pay attention to what is at the door of your life. Ask God to open your eyes to see and discern in a keener way. Show lavish hospitality to love, joy, peace, positivity, kindness and the 9 fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Cultivate those at the leadership of Holy Spirit and be lavish in your giving of those to yourself and others, as well. The more you pour out, the more you find that you have. That is how it works when we walk according to the Spirit. Jesus wouldn't point to you or call you out if He didn't know that you had what it takes to fill the position. He has been preparing you all of this time. Go for it! Pray for wisdom, strength, joy and courage in new ways to be applied to your life. Increased wisdom will be vital to apply every step along the way. Ask God what to release as you move forward, because you won't be able to carry everything that you did before, plus step into the NOW NEW. Some of the NEW may simply be INCREASE in the activity for the position you now hold, are at the helm of, or are participating in. Remember, you have got what it takes. Expect to be STRETCHED beyond the capacity that you thought you could be as you go along. Don't quit. Stay the course. It will pay off. You will see benefits from it in many ways and from many directions. Scriptures: Dt. 31:6; Ps. 31:24; Eph. 6:10; Mt. 19:26; Luke 1:34-38; Isaiah 41:10; Mt. 10:19; Habakkuk 2:2-3; Galatians 5:22-23; Psalm 126 (all); Isaiah 45:1-3; Ezekiel 47:1-5 "Become! Become! And love ME with ALL YOU BECOME!" "I'm doing it....I'm really doing it, Lord!" "Your soul will not falter, your steps will not fail when you are lost in My Love." "Today I hear You say, 'Go higher!'" "The altitude is great up here, Lord!" "You picked the right person....that's my passion, Lord!" "I make myself available to You today." Phrases taken from Conversations With God (Series I) by Dayna Belcher, (c) 2009 Photo credits: Deposit Photos
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